Welcome to the Psiberdreaming Conference CONTESTS
The Association for the Study of Dreams
September 23, 2002 - October 6, 2002

C o n t e s t s

9/23 Mutual Dreaming Contest

Facilitated by Ed Kellogg

9/ 27 Precognitive Dream Contest
Facilitated by Cynthia Pearson and Robert Waggoner

10/1 Telepathy Contest
Facilitated by Rita Dwyer e-mail

See some of the PRIZES




Welcome to the 2002 PsiberDreaming Conference Contests

Here you can join and read about the contests and prizes.  

If you have questions, please contact us below or post a note to the HELP ME discussion thread on the PsiberDreaming Bulletin Board. 


For the:
Mutual Dreaming Contest,
The Precognitive Dreams Contest, and the
Dream Telepathy Contest!

First Prizes: First place winners get to choose one autographed copy from the following pool of books generously donated by the PsiberDreaming Conference Presenters:

Stanley Krippner, Fariba Bogzaron, and Andre Percia de Carvellos, *Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work With Them* (signed by Stanley Krippner)

Robert Moss, *Dreaming True: How to Dream Your Future and Change it for the Better*

Cynthia Pearson, *The Practical Psychic*

Dale Graff, *River Dreams: The Case of the Missing General and other Adventures in Psychic Research* 

Curtiss Hoffman, *The Seven Story Tower: A Mythic Journey Through Space and Time*

Henry Reed, *Getting Help From Your Dreams*

(First come, first served!)

Second Prizes: Second place winners get to choose either of these offering:

Patricia Garfield *The Universal Dream Key* (unsigned)

Anne Sayre Wiseman *Nightmare Help* (unsigned)

Richard Wilkerson's History of Dreams Class (a $30 value!)

(multiple copies available)

Third Prizes:

ASD Sleep Shirt - one size fits all!

And Last, But Not Least:

The Psiberdreaming Triple Crown - a one year new membership, or a one year renewal, to anyone who manages to earn first prize in all three PsiberDreaming Contests.


Event Information

The PsiberDreaming Conference runs from Monday, September 23, 2002 through Sunday, October 6, 2002.

[Conference Index] [Live Chat Room] [bulletin board]

Program Host: Ed. W. Kellogg III, Ph.D.  E-mail: alef1@msn.com 

ASD Homepage